
Odd Thomas is a very special movie. I really, really, REALLY, love this movie. I can’t stress enough how much I love this movie. It’s so deep and so riveting. It’s a movie I can happily watch over and over again.

Originally released April 16, 2013, and directed by Stephen Sommers.

The budget was $27 million and it made $721,286 at the box office.

Plot Overview

There is a lot going on in this movie, so I’m going to do my best to keep this fairly simple.

Odd Thomas - Amazing Underrated ThrillerOdd Thomas has a special ability to see dead people, and as he says “by god, I do something about it

He sees people who have recently died, but they are always silent. He’s not sure if it is because they cannot speak or simply choose not to. The people he sees always show him something – often something that aids him in figuring out what happened to them and how they died.

Odd uses his ability and his visions for good to the best of his ability and is content in doing so. It’s not until he starts seeing things out of the ordinary that he begins to wonder if something is amiss.

His girlfriend Stormy is his best friend through all of it, adding light and happiness to his often dark and tormented existence.

My Thoughts

This movie is really incredible. The world Odd Thomas lives in is so much deeper than the regular world, and because of this he has an extra burden on his shoulders – extra stress and extra responsibility. He handles it well but you do get the feeling that he’s not entirely happy. His relationship with Stormy is probably the one thing he cherishes most. This movie depicts their relationship in such a beautiful way. Stormy is happy, loyal, loving, brave, and doesn’t judge Odd for his abilities or his rather, shall we say, different name.


I just love Odd and Stormy so much. They are both fairly static characters, and I think that’s a good thing. They are both firmly rooted in who they are, what they are called to do, and in their love for one another.

The town’s police chief is aware of Odd’s abilities, and helps him out in every way he can, while also keeping Odd out of the public eye. His believes in Odd, supports him, and does all he can to nurture and contain Odd’s ability. In a town where Odd is a bit of an outcast, the chief is an important friend.


Anton Yelchin and Addison Timlin put on excellent performances as Odd and Stormy. While their relationship off screen is anyone’s guess, their on-screen chemistry is truly wonderful, almost tangible. When they are together, when they are interacting… you can just feel it.

I think the movie, in general, is just very well cast. I didn’t find myself questioning anyone’s acting. The story is very real and believable.

You can watch the trailer below:


This is a truly amazing story with a lot of twists and turns, tons of surprises, and a lot of things that will make you think. I believe anyone who sees this movie will fall in love with Odd and Stormy just as much as I did.

The special effects, while fairly minimal, are good and compliment the visions Odd has very well; overall it’s a very aesthetically pleasing movie.

Happy or sad ending – I won’t tell!- but it had me absolutely bawling my eyes out, and I imagine you will have a similar reaction.

Have you ever seen Odd Thomas before? Or perhaps read the book version? Let me know, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Want to Watch?

It is available for purchase on Amazon:



About The Author

I am a huge book nerd, a massive music enthusiast and a lover of movies. These things are my passion, and I am here to share it with you.

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2 Responses

  1. Jeanette

    Hi! I haven’t seen this movie, but from reading your post I’m very curious to watch it now. Great post. I love supernatural thrillers! Especially when it involves clairvoyance. Did you read the book? Was it just as good as the movie? I can’t wait to watch it. Thanks for your review!

    • Steph

      I actually haven’t read the book!! It is on my list though, for sure. Glad you enjoyed the review 🙂


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